Messiah Matters Season 5 Archive

Show #198 – Christmas Special 2017

A look at the Deity of Yeshua. Is Yeshua really YHVH? Then we turn to Christmas and some explanations Christians give on why they think its fine to celebrate.

Show #199 – About Messiah

This week we look at the pope’s suggestion to change the liturgical form of the Lord’s Prayer. Also a discussion about the JW view of the Sacred Name, and a look at arguments against what some might call “Traditional Theology.”

Show #200 – See You Next Time

This week we look at 1Cor. 11 and head coverings. Also, can we celebrate the Sabbath on any day of the week?

Show #201: To Us a Child is Born

Were people in the first century expecting the Messiah in their lifetime? Did people understand and believe that the Messiah had been born? Why did the Magi believe a star was signaling the birth of the “King of the Jews.”

Show #202 – Messiah and the Exodus

We continue our look at the Messianic expectation in the First Century. What did the Exodus tell them about the Messiah? Did they understand redemption from this narrative?

Show #203 – Paul and Circumcision

Following our discussion last week about the Messiah in the Exodus, we look at Emails and comments that have come in that suggestion circumcision is a thing of the past. These claims are based on entirely on Paul’s writings but tend to disregard the rest of Scripture. How do we reconcile Paul and his seeming disregard for the sign of the Abrahamic Covenant?

Show #204 – The Term "Messiah" in the 1st Century

We continue our discussion of the First Century Messianic expectation. This week we will look at the word “Messiah” in the first century, and what this word meant. To better understand the Messianic expectation of the first century, we will look at some of the texts that were used when speaking about the Messiah. Interestingly, they all share one thing in common.

Show #205 – Then They Remembered

We continue our discussion of the First Century Messianic expectation, by looking at the book of John and several of the instances when Yeshua said something that was misunderstood. In the three specific instances, we will look at, there are three different reactions from the three different kinds of people. Why did Yeshua veil His message at times? For the disciples, it wasn’t until His resurrection that they understood the meaning of His veiled words.

Show #206 – Messianic Consciousness

We continue our discussion of the First Century Messianic expectation. This week we shift to looking at Yeshua Himself and what He said. Why did Yeshua tell so many to keep silent about who He was? Why does Yeshua seem to vail who He really his?

Show #207 – Is Yeshua God?

We look at lots of questions that have been sent in, concerning our last show. We will discuss the idea of the “Trinity” in the Tanach, Passages that say God is not a man, and look at why Jesus prays to the Father if Jesus is Himself God.

Show #208 – Aphikomenos

A look at the parting of ways between Christianity and Judaism concerning Passover, Easter, and Communion. Do the Gospels portray Yeshua following the traditional Passover Haggadah as found within the Mishnah? And if so, shouldn’t Christians celebrate it that way too?

Show #209 – ‘You Are Gods’

A look at Yeshua’s quotation of Psalm 82. What does John 10:34 really mean? Also, a look at the significance of bread and wine at the Last Supper. Does Yeshua’s emphasis on bread and wine signal a new ritual act?

Show #210 – Where Does Our Seder Come From?

With Passover approaching, we look at some of the traditions in the traditional Passover Seder and discuss their origins. Do they date back to the time of Yeshua, or are there different explanations on how these traditions were formed?

Show #211 – Guests & Wine

A look at 1Cor. 11 and unbelievers at the Passover table. Also a look at the word “Pascha” (Passover), and finally a discussion about the ceremonial cups at the Last Supper.

Show #212 – Didascalia Apostolorum

This week we look at an early text (Didascalia Apostolorum) that suggests Yeshua’s Last Supper was on a Tuesday and that His crucifixion was on Friday. Also, we respond to a comment that was left on our Facebook page that takes issue with our last show and the thoughts put forward on 1Cor. 11. Also, we discuss a question that came in on our comment line asking about the Christian view of Yeshua as High Priest.

Show #213 – Neither Jew Nor Greek

This week we look at counting the omer and why this is attached to the festival of Passover. We also look at Galatians 3:23-29 and see how this passage is connected to the Omer and the festival of Shavuot.

Show #214 – The Righteous Shall Live by Faith

This show focuses on faith by looking at various aspects of our faith. A quick look at an upcoming book and the suggestion that the Gospel of John is Anti-Jewish. Also, a look at the phrase “The righteous shall live by faith,” as well as a revisit of saving faith before the Messiah came.

Show #215 – Is God Jewish?

In this week’s show, we look at Yeshua’s nature and John 14:28. Also, a look at an article in the most recent issues of the Journal of Biblical Literature by Paula Fredriksen titled, “How Jewish is God? Divine Ethnicity in Paul’s Theology.” What are the implications of the article, and did Fredriksen get it right?

Show #216 – Women, Keep Silent?

This week we look at a very controversial passage in 1Cor. 14:34-35. Paul exhorts women to keep silent in Church. Is this the ranting of a man who hates women, or is there something else going on in this passage?

Show #217 – The "Mystery" of the "Et"

This week we look several emails that have come in. Our main topic will look at questions posed to us by a proponent of the “Et” theology. This Hebrew symbol has been viewed as a direct object marker throughout the ages, but is there more to it?

Executive Producers of Show #217: Bob Miller, Larue Miller

Show #218 – Reading Moses, Seeing Jesus – A Book Review

This week we welcome Tim Hegg onto the show to discuss a book that has been making waves in the Messianic movement. This book, Reading Moses Finding Jesus, has been endorsed by some leaders, but what does it say about sanctification for believers in the body of Messiah?

Executive Producers of Show#218: Bob Miller, Larue Miller
Associate Producer for Show #218: Gary Elkins

Show #219 – Are We Under the Sinai Covenant

This week we look at a statement put out by a ministry that gives their official stance on the Torah for believers. Although these statements are nothing new, they show the mindset of some within ministry that are “keeping Torah.”

Executive Producers of Show#218: Bob Miller, Larue Miller
Associate Producer for Show #218: Gary Elkins

Show #220 – Are We Under the Sinai Covenant (Part 2)

This week we look at a statement put out by a ministry that gives their official stance on the Torah for believers. Although these statements are nothing new, they show the mindset of some within ministry that are “keeping Torah.”

Executive Producers of Show#220: Bob Miller, Larue Miller
Associate Producer for Show #220: Gary Elkins

Show #221 – LXX vs MT

This week we look at the claim that the Masoretic Text was corrupted and by the Scribes trying to take out references that Christians used to argue the case for Yeshua. Was the Masoretic text changed? Is the Septuagint a more reliable source?

Show #222 – Study or Meditate?

This week we begin by looking at a comment left on our last show, and the suggestions that we have not understood Yeshua’s name. Then we turn to study and meditation.

Executive Producers of Show#221: Bob Miller, Larue Miller
Associate Producer for Show #221: Gary Elkins

Show #223 – Obey the Government?

This week we begin by looking at a poem by John Piper titled “Calvinist”, then we move to a question about none believe Jews and their faith in “a” Messiah. Then we turn to Romans 13:1-7 and discuss the idea of submitting to the government.

Associate Producer for Show #223: Gary Elkins

Show #224 – Conspiracy

This week we look at the idea that Kosher food no longer needs to be kept, and then turn to the what we believe are the three biggest “Conspiracies” in the Hebrew Roots movement today.
Executive Producers for Show 224: Bob Miller, Larue Miller
Associate Producer for Show #224: Gary Elkins

Show #225 – Ruach

This show will center around the concept of “Ruach” (Spirit or Wind) in the Bible and various aspects to this word. Then a look at Deut. 23:1 in consideration of Acts 8.
Executive Producers for Show 224: Bob Miller, Larue Miller,
Associate Producer for Show #224: Gary Elkins

Show #226 – Holy Language?

On this show we discuss several different aspects of language. Both Hebrew and Greek are looked at, as well as a discussion on salvation by faith alone. Executive Producers for Show 224: Bob Miller, Larue Miller,, Anonymous Associate Producer for Show #224: Gary Elkins

Show #227 – Baptism and Believers

This week on Messiah Matters, we discuss all things Baptism. Covering things from the difference between John the Baptist’s immersion and Yeshua’s, the question of how first century Judaisms may have viewed this practice, to modern day baptism and the question of getting baptized a second (or third) time.  Executive Producers for Show 224: Bob Miller, Larue Miller,, Anonymous Associate Producer for Show #224: Gary Elkins

Show #228 – Live with Tim Hegg

This week, Caleb welcomes his father Tim Hegg to discuss his new book set to be released on August 15th. This show will also be the first call in show we have ever done. We are excited to invite our listeners to ask Tim questions live on air.
Executive Producers for Show 224: Bob Miller, Larue Miller,, Anonymous
Associate Producer for Show #224: Gary Elkins

Show #229 – Created or Eternal

We will discuss Caleb’s time in Ontario. A look at a new show that will be launching on our YouTube channel. Then we will turn to Colossians 1:15-20 and the idea that Yeshua was created by the Father.
Executive Producers for Show 224: Bob Miller, Larue Miller,, Anonymous
Associate Producer for Show #224: Gary Elkins

Show #230 – Deity Apologetics

This week we begin by looking at a question about transgression of the law under pain of death, then we continue our look at various arguments that Yeshua (Jesus) is a created being, and how these fall flat.
Executive Producers for Show 224: Bob Miller, Larue Miller,, Anonymous
Associate Producer for Show #224: Gary Elkins


Show #231 – Was Yeshua Created?

This week we look at various topics including, the difference between vows and oaths, what the sabbath is a sign of, and two questions are discussed from the book of Revelation, and ones again the question of Yeshua’s deity is addressed.

Show #232 – Hebrew VS Greek Mindset

This week we discuss a Hebrew VS Greek mindset and how these positions can be different. We also discuss how this distinction between mindsets can be used to cover bad theology. Also, a recap of Rob’s trip to Trinidad and the TorahResource Institute Family Camp.

Executive Producers for Show 224: Bob Miller, Larue Miller,, Anonymous
Associate Producer for Show #224: Gary Elkins

#TorahResource #Hebrew #Greek

Show #233 – Jerusalem Council

In this show we begin a look at Acts 15 and the Jerusalem Council. Four prohibitions are given to the Gentiles, but what do they mean and why were these four things chosen?

Executive Producers for Show 233: Bob Miller, Larue Miller,, Anonymous

Associate Producer for Show #233: Gary Elkins

Show #234 – Capital H "Heretic"

This week we look at some comments made by a prominent apologist and pastor who suggests that believers who “resurrect” the dietary laws are “capital H, Heretic[s].” We also look at a comment left on one of our videos that states catechisms are a Christian invention and should therefore be rejected by Messianic Jews. Also, a quick look at the festival of Yom Kippur and more!

Executive Producers for Show 224: Bob Miller, Larue Miller,, Anonymous

Associate Producer for Show #224: Gary Elkins

Show #235 – Why People are Leaving the Church

This week we follow up on some comments made last week, then we turn to the festival of Sukkot and the various aspects of this festival, and some of the common misconceptions about this wonderful holiday. Then we look at reasons we believe people are leaving the Church.

Executive Producers for Show 224: Bob Miller, Larue Miller,, Anonymous
Associate Producer for Show #224: Gary Elkins

Show #236 – The Holy Spirit in Acts, Where is it Today?

This week we listen to some voicemails that talk about Kosher laws and calendar issues, then we turn to a discussion about Elijah and what exactly it means that John the Baptist came in his spirit. Then we turn to the Holy Spirit in the book of Acts and discuss the idea that this kind of moving does or does not still occur today.

Executive Producers for Show 224: Bob Miller, Larue Miller,, Anonymous

Associate Producer for Show #224: Gary Elkins

Show #237 – Filled and Fulfilled

On this weeks show we cover various topics including women and tzitzit, the idea of heart and mind in the Tanach, evil spirits in the Tanach, what does it mean the Law is fulfilled (Matt. 5:17) and a continued discussion from last weeks show about the indwelling of the Holy Spirit in Acts.

Executive Producers for Show 237: Bob Miller, Larue Miller,, Virginia Powers

Show #239 – Under Law

This week we begin with a quick discussion about women and tzitzit, and then turn to Galatians 4:4. What does it mean that Yeshua was born “under law?” Often, those within mainstream Christianity will argue that this means Yeshua was born in a time when the Torah needed to be observed, but after His death there is no longer any need to be “under law,” meaning “keep Torah,” but is this what Galatians 4:4 really means?

Executive Producers: Bob Miller, Larue Miller,, Virginia Powers, John Coulthard

Show #241 – Plagiarizing Customs & Observances

This week we look at Community and the situation that has occurred within the Torah movement where people have no communities. Then we move to comments by an orthodox Rabbi suggesting Torah observant Christians have plagiarized customs and observances from Judaism.

Executive Producers for this show: Bob Miller, Larue Miller,, Virginia Powers, John Coulthard, Zane Llyons

Show #243 – Only for Israel

We look at several clips that peaked our interest, one discusses why Jews don’t believe in Jesus, the other is a clip from Dr. Michael Brown that looks at Lev. 11 and the kosher laws. We also have several emails to look at.

Executive Producers for this show: Bob Miller, Larue Miller,, Virginia Powers, John Coulthard, Zane Llyons

Show #244 – Tattoos, Temple Research, and "The God"

We discuss the prohibition against Tattoos and if this command has been misunderstood. We also look at John 1:1 and the argument from Jehovah Witnesses that Yeshua is “a” god, but not “the God.” Also, a discussion on temple research and how trustworthy it is.

Show #245 – Reflecting on Hanukkah

This week we discuss Hanukkah and the time that we have just spent reflecting on the miracle recounted in 1Macc. Then we turn to some questions about giving unkosher food to the stranger (Deut. 14:21) and to the idea of allowing disobedience to reveal His mercy (Romans 11:32). 

Executive Producers for this show: Bob Miller, Larue Miller,, Virginia Powers, John Coulthard, Zane Llyons, Lew and Erna Draper

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