
Over 100 academic level articles written by the staff of TorahResource are available here, free to read and download. These comprehensive commentaries are in-depth and very thorough studies on a variety of Biblical and theological topics all of which are relevant to the greater “Messianic Movement”.

by Tim Hegg

Since the rise of rationalistic theology in the 19th Century, the approach to discussing the person of Yeshua has seen a marked change. While the Christian Church had for centuries begun her inquiry into Christology “from above,” humanistic rationalism required that such inquiry begin “from below”...

by Tim Hegg

Each year as we approach Pesach, we begin the arduous task of cleaning our homes in order to remove anything that contains leaven. We wash the cupboards, shampoo the carpets, sweep and vacuum all of the rooms, and remove all of the leavening agents from our kitchens. In short, we do everything human...

by Tim Hegg

As we approach the coming of Passover, we are preparing our homes and our hearts to celebrate this annual festival of our redemption, z’man ch’ruteinu,” the time of our freedom.” As we consider the rich history of this appointed time, we recognize that the primary focus of our celebration is the...

by Tim Hegg

Our author has emphasized the fact that God is a God of shalom, and in the closing salutation of the epistle, he will refer to the Almighty by that very Name (13:20). We have seen that Melchizedek is the “king of shalom,” and thus Yeshua, our High Priest after the order of Melchizedek, is the very...

by Tim Hegg

In the fractured Messianic Movement, there are still some of us who confess the supremacy of the Scriptures as the final authority for faith and halachah. Though we are sometimes viewed as having a naïve approach to Scripture, reading and studying it outside of its literary context, just the...

by C.M. Hegg

My friend Aaron just called “Messianic”, Messi-Antics. When I have said Messianic in the past, I mean someone that believes the Torah is God’s way of sanctifying His elect unto Himself, whether Jew or Gentile. But recently I have realized that the term Messianic is beginning to carry a lot more...

by Tim Hegg

The argument itself would most likely indicate that women wearing tzitzit was not the majority practice, but this is only speculative. It might as easily be argued that a situation where women were failing to wear tzitzit brought upon the halachic discussion. The fact that someone of such high...

by C.M. Hegg

Within our modern culture and societies there are a plethora of different beliefs. Christianity has many different branches, and even within those branches we see offshoots. A Baptist is no longer just a Baptist, but must define what type of Baptist they are. Southern, reform, seventh day, etc...

by Tim Hegg

The centrality of the Person and Work of Yeshua is at the core of who we are. Whether we call ourselves “messianic believers,” “Jewish believers,” or simply “believers,” clearly our primary confession of faith centers in the historical person we call Yeshua. Though not unique, in our times the...

by Tim Hegg

This study began as my own notes and not for publication. I was troubled with the fact that I had not taken seriously the words of Yeshua in Matthew 5:17-20. I had to admit that I did not understand them, and so I decided to study the text for my own benefit and growth in the Lord. During my study...

by Tim Hegg

The Messianic movement today is, in many ways, an expression of a dilemma that faced the early communities of believers in Yeshua and, to one extent or another, has faced believing communities throughout the centuries. This dilemma may be couched in various ways, but the essence of it may be summed...

by Tim Hegg

The Torah parashah chosen for reading on Yom Kippur contains the instructions for Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement), and particularly the manner in which the Cohen Gadol (High Priest) was to perform the sacred ceremonies of the day. We should first note the strategic placement of this chapter as...