
Over 100 academic level articles written by the staff of TorahResource are available here, free to read and download. These comprehensive commentaries are in-depth and very thorough studies on a variety of Biblical and theological topics all of which are relevant to the greater “Messianic Movement”.

by Tim Hegg

Twice in the book of Samuel the hem of the garment figures significantly into the narrative (1Samuel 15:27ff; 24:5ff). Recognizing the hem as functioning in a covenantal sense allows not only a better understanding of the two texts themselves, but also allows the interpreter to see how the hem motif...

by Tim Hegg

Perhaps, after reading the title of this essay, you’re asking yourself, “Is there really a crisis within the Messianic movement over the sufficiency of the Scriptures?” Yes, there is, and I hope to alert you to it in this essay. Remember that in the March Newsletter, I wrote about this issue because...

by Tim Hegg

“World view” is the manner in which Historic Christianity understands the broad plan of redemption. I’ve come to realize, however, that the “world view” of Historic Christianity is not my world view. And because of this, I’ve also come to realize that I am not comfortable in defining myself within...

by Tim Hegg

The salvation that has been procured for us through the death, resurrection, ascension, and intercession of our Messiah Yeshua is the greatest gift of God’s grace which we possess. Since we who have believed are “in Messiah,” we are accepted before the Holy One of Israel as righteous in His eyes and...

by Tim Hegg

In a recent newsletter sent out by a Colorado based ministry, the author came to the conclusion that there are several ways God forgives sin. The whole issue arose in the author’s mind when asked “How do Jewish people think their sins are forgiven since there is no blood sacrifice without the Temple...

by C.M. Hegg

In this paper, I will seek to investigate the claim that the synoptic gospels were originally written in Hebrew. To do so I will first survey the language of the Jews in the first century, and then look at the mention of a Hebrew Gospel by the church fathers. The discussion of the original language...

by Tim Hegg

After Yeshua and His Talmidim shared their final Pesach seder, they crossed over the Kidron Valley to the Mount of Olives. There Yeshua engaged in prayer to the Father, and in John’s Gospel, he gives us the substance of our Master’s prayer on that night before His crucifixion. But there is something...

by Tim Hegg

One of the great advantages of viewing the Christian faith from a Jewish perspective is the door it opens for looking at things from a different angle—for asking questions one would otherwise never ask. For some time I have been asking questions about the Lord’s Table, as well as the ritual of...

by Tim Hegg

Terminology, along with titles and labels, are always difficult. Consider the well-used label “Christian.” I have been confronted at my front door by Mormon missionaries who started out by identifying themselves as “Christians,” only to have the same experience a few weeks later by people from the...

by Caleb Hegg

In our modern times there is a growing movement of believers coming out of the Church and into a new understanding of biblical truth. The rise of Christians turning to the Torah as a means for the believer’s sanctification seems to be growing rapidly. Those coming out of the Church are usually...

by Tim Hegg

A wonderful thing is happening in our times: there is a renewed awakening to the beauty of the Torah (God’s teaching found in the first five books of the Bible). Many are realizing that it is the foundation of God’s gracious covenant relationship with those He has called to be His people. Decades of...

by Tim Hegg

The current renewed appreciation for the Torah among many followers of Yeshua has often met with firm resistance by traditional Christian groups. Believing that the “Law” has been abolished in favor of the New Covenant, many consider that emerging Torah Communities have simply been hornswaggled into...