
Over 100 academic level articles written by the staff of TorahResource are available here, free to read and download. These comprehensive commentaries are in-depth and very thorough studies on a variety of Biblical and theological topics all of which are relevant to the greater “Messianic Movement”.

by Tim Hegg

Sometimes Paul’s words are “hard to understand.” For in some cases, it appears that Paul disparages the Torah, relegating it to something that has exhausted its usefulness and has been replaced by something better. The difficulty is heightened all the more when his teaching in other places seems...

by Tim Hegg

The issue of the Sabbath was not an early one. Nowhere in the Apostolic Scriptures do we find any indication that anyone questioned the validity of the Sabbath. There is not one argument between Yeshua and His antagonists over the issue of whether the Sabbath is a day that God commanded to be set...

by C.M. Hegg

Hasidic Judaism began in the 18th century with a man named Israel ben Eliezer, aka the Ba’al Shem Tov. However, to properly understand the Jewish mindset that led the Ba’al Shem Tov to easily introduce this new theological order to a substantial portion of European Jewry, we must begin much earlier...

by Tim Hegg

The topic of Lashon Hara‘ (evil speech or gossip) is an important one for all of us to consider as we seek to serve our Lord, walking in His footsteps and sanctifying His Name upon the earth. I am convinced that Messianic communities intent upon living by the Scriptures face a wonderful and...

by Tim Hegg

It seems that it is the destiny of all who pursue Torah-living to be labelled by some as “legalists.” If not often, at least occasionally we hear the warning (sometimes from very sincere and loving brothers and sisters in the Lord) that our view of the Torah is either legalistic or leads to it...

by Tim Hegg

The Hebrew word “mo‘adim” means “appointed times,” that is, days of special significance which are scheduled to be observed...

by Caleb Hegg

Recently Rob Vanhoff and I discussed 119 Ministries backing of a group called The Copper Scroll Project (from now on referred to as CSP) on our podcast. After our show aired several of our listeners asked 119 Ministries (from now on referred to as 119) to respond to some of the objections we raised...

by Caleb Hegg

As I stated in the first installment of this blog series, Rob Vanhoff and I addressed some of the issues we have with the Copper Scroll Project (CSP) on our podcast, The Rob & Caleb Show. The director of the CSP is Jim Barfield. Barfield admits that he is not a scholar but rather a retired...

by Rob Vanhoff

A quick search using Accordance shows that the words (in the original Hebrew) “Shabbat” and “day” occur, within 10 words of each other, well over 100 times in the Tanakh. The same search, replacing “day” with “moon,” yields a big fat goose-egg (for the uninitiated that means zero). Yet there are...

by Tim Hegg

In some recent Christological discussions, the tripartite designation included in the standard texts of Matthew 28:19 has often been suspect. The problem is that it sounds far too trinitarian to have been included in Matthew’s original words. As a result, a few modern scholars have suggested that...

by Tim Hegg

The meaning of the verb kafar and the nouns associated with it has been a matter of dispute among the scholars. The older scholarship (represented in BDB) took the view that the Hebrew verb kafar was founded upon a semitic root represented in the Arabic kafara, “to cover, conceal, deny, disbelieve...

by Tim Hegg

Each year, usually a month or so before the coming festival of Pesach and Unleavened Bread, people begin, once again, to discuss the chronology of Yeshua’s last Pesach and the week of His crucifixion and resurrection. At TorahResource, we start getting emails and phone calls with all manner of quest...