
Over 100 academic level articles written by the staff of TorahResource are available here, free to read and download. These comprehensive commentaries are in-depth and very thorough studies on a variety of Biblical and theological topics all of which are relevant to the greater “Messianic Movement”.

by Rob Vanhoff

Yeshua is 100% man. Of course! But when I go on to assert that He is also 100% God and preexisted the creation of the world, some will slam the brakes. “No way, man. Stop right there! We’re not polytheists!” As you might imagine, John 8:58 is one of those texts that must be navigated for those who...

by Tim Hegg

One night, a captain of a U.S. Navy warship saw the light of an oncoming vessel heading straight at him. He signaled ahead: “Change course 20 degrees.” Back came the reply: “Advisable you change course 20 degrees.” The captain didn’t accept this response and sent the message, “I’m a captain. Change...

by Tim Hegg

Revelation 13:18 - “Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for the number is that of a man; and his number is six hundred and sixty-six.”...

by Rob Vanhoff

The Scripture is clear in defining the term and principle of torah achat or “One Torah.” It is a rock-solid biblical concept with which the Torah teaches us to think. On the other hand, Scripture does not define or teach us categories like “Christianity,” “Messianic Judaism,” “Oral Torah”...

by Tim Hegg

The day of Yom Kippur comes to us with the traditions of somber reflections and introspection. The divine injunction to “humble your soul” on this day teaches us that this appointed time, more than any of the other mo’edim, is a time to stop and ponder where we each need to seek repentance...

Radio Transcript with Dr. Michael Brown - We have no business attaching pictographic meaning to ancient Hebrew than we have attaching those same pictographic meaning to the Greek alphabet or to our English alphabet as I’ll explain. But if you go back to the earliest origins of written languages...

by Tim Hegg

For thousands of years, the faithful remnant in Israel had observed the Pesach festival in memory of their exodus from the slavery of Egypt. Lambs were selected, sacrificed on the eve of the 14th of Nisan, roasted and eaten with bitter herbs and matzah. Through the centuries traditions were added to...

by Tim Hegg

Since 1890 when James Strong published his Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, people everywhere have used this work for their personal Bible study. By using the concordance, they could look up a verse by any word they remembered in that verse and find its location in the Bible. Before the age of...

by Tim Hegg

The days between Yom Teruah and Yom Kippur are traditionally referred to as yamim nora’im, “days of awe.” For rabbinic Judaism, these days offer a person time to repent of past sins. But only genuine repentance will be accepted by God, so there is a sense of anxiety as to whether a person has...

by Tim Hegg

In BeMidbar (Numbers) 6:22-27, the Lord commands the Aaronic Priests to bless the people by invoking His Name upon them. He further gives to the priests the beautiful and poetic words by which they would convey His blessing upon the congregation of Israel. Here, in this text, we have the happy...

by Tim Hegg

In ancient controversy has surfaced once again in our times. It revolves around the text of Psalm 22:16 (verse 17 in the Hebrew). In the Hebrew Masoretic text, the verse reads: “For dogs have encircled me, an evil congregation surrounded me; like a lion my hands and my feet.” The Lxx translation...

by Tim Hegg

The title of this article seems quite simple and straightforward and you, as the reader, no doubt anticipate a survey of the relevant historical materials that will help paint the picture of a 1st Century synagogue service, and particularly the reading of the Torah and Prophets during that service...