
Over 100 academic level articles written by the staff of TorahResource are available here, free to read and download. These comprehensive commentaries are in-depth and very thorough studies on a variety of Biblical and theological topics all of which are relevant to the greater “Messianic Movement”.

by Tim Hegg

Why is the Festival called “Shavuot”? Why are we to count the days and weeks between Pesach and Shavuot? What were the historical events which occurred on Shavuot and how do these reveal the lessons we are to learn as we celebrate the Festival? All of the appointed times offer us a special...

by by Tim Hegg

The pages that follow comprise an Excursus found in my Commentary on the Gospel of Matthew (Vol. 2, pp. 463–94, TorahResource, 2008). Apart from these opening comments and a few additional comments added at the end of the Excursus, these pages are identical with the Commentary pages. I have simply...

by Tim Hegg

Traditionally, in Christian circles, the Ten Words are called the “Ten Commandments.” However, the biblical text uses the expression ‘aseret hadevarim, “Ten Words” when referring to what God inscribed on the two tablets which Moses brought down from Mt. Sinai. In fact, referring to these as Ten Word...

by Tim Hegg

In the Tanach, the concept of a “month” is usually represented by the word, chodesh, formed on the noun, chadâsh, “to make anew,” “to renew” or on the noun, châdâsh, “to be new.” The new moon (the reappearance of the thin crescent) marked the beginning of the month for the Hebrew calendar...

by Tim Hegg

In Exodus 19:1 we read: In the third month after the sons of Israel had gone out of the land of Egypt, on this very day they came into the wilderness of Sinai. What is curious about the wording of this verse is the phrase “on this very day” (bayom hazeh), which seeks to mark a specific day, yet with...

by Tim Hegg

What is meant by "zicharon" in Lev 23:24? The word itself is formed on the verb “zachor”, “to remember,” and is usually translated a “memorial,” a “remembrance,” or a “reminder.” Thus, Yom Teruah is a day on which the shofar is to be blown, and the purpose of blowing the shofar is to evoke...

by Tim Hegg

As the disciples of Yeshua, each year as we celebrate Pesach we see the remarkable ways in which the themes of the festival are fulfilled in Yeshua’s death and resurrection and why, the divine calendar of the universe, Pesach was chosen as the time when our Savior, our Pesach sacrifice (1Cor 5:7)...

by Tim Hegg

In the emerging Torah Movements, we rightly desire to distinguish between holy and profane. This desire has become all the more intense since we have realized how much paganism was intertwined with some of the religious rituals in the Christian Church, which, for most of us, was the place of our...

by Tim Hegg

What does it mean, “But to this one I will look?” The obvious reference is to the Aaronic Benediction given to the priests in order to bless Israel (Numbers 6:22-27). This blessing of the Almighty upon His people is couched in terms of God “turning His face” toward His people, or “shining His...

by Tim Hegg

A phenomenon is occurring in our times that has been labelled the Two-House Movement, sometimes also called the Ephraimite Movement. It is based upon the theory that essentially claims the following to be true...

by Tim Hegg

Every verse of each section of Psalm 119 has some reference to the Torah. The rich array of vocabulary used as synonyms for “Torah” includes ‘eidut, “decree,” piqud, “precept,” chuqah, “statute,” mitzvah, “commandment,” dereq, “way or path,” davar, “word,” mishpat, “ordinance,” and others. One of...

by Rob Vanhoff

Have you ever heard a Bible teacher say that the “et” is a mysterious, untranslatable word that holds all sorts of hidden meanings? I have. And at one time I believed it because I didn’t have the proper framework for evaluating the claims I was hearing. In this short article I hope to explain to you...