My House of Prayer: An Introduction to the Places and Promises of Prayer

Direct Download Video & Audio$28.60
Direct Download Audio$12.00

This mini-course is an introduction to the Scripture’s overall portrayal of prayer in its various aspects, as it has pertained to the lives of God’s covenant people from ancient times unto the present. Its aim is to provide students an opportunity to obtain greater clarity on what prayer is and what it is not, and how proper prayer is a crucial obligation for Yeshua’s flock. The Bible is therefore the central text of this study.

Among the desired outcomes of this mini-course are: an encouragement for participants to strengthen their own personal prayer life, a refined appreciation of its precious value, a heightened commitment to persevere in the discipline of Biblical prayer.

Among the desired outcomes of this course are:

• An encouragement for participants to strengthen their own personal prayer life
• A refined appreciation of the precious value of prayer
• A heightened commitment to persevere in the discipline of Biblical prayer

This course consists of an overview, four, 45-minute teaching sessions, and a knowledge check.

Instructor: Rob Vanhoff