2024 Festival Schedule:

New Torah Reading Schedules

The New Torah Reading Schedules for 2024-2025 will begin on October 26th, the Shabbat following the final Fall Festival of Shemini Atzeret and the celebration of Simchat Torah. Join us as we begin another cycle through the Torah.

One Year Schedule


Three Year Schedule

Year 1


Year 2


Year 3


One Year Weekly Torah Portion Schedule

Read through the Torah in One Year!

The traditional one-year Torah portion is the weekly readings used in modern non-believing synagogues and Messianic congregations every Shabbat (Sabbath). These Torah readings have an accompanying “Haftarah” reading from the prophets and writings, and we have attached readings from the Apostolic Scriptures (New Testament) as well. Although our notes are written for the three-year schedule, we have grouped them so that you can find notes on the one year portion as well. 

Three Year Weekly Torah Portion Schedule

Read through the Torah in Three Year!

The three-year weekly Torah portion reading schedule, although not as popular, allows groups and individuals to go through the Torah in smaller chunks so that the material is easier to digest, discuss, and meditate on. This schedule is becoming a favorite by many within the Messianic movement because of each portion’s size. Beyond this, our notes align with this portion and can be found in 151 different handouts. 

Weekly Torah Portions

The weekly reading of God’s Word is practiced around the world by Messianic and traditional synagogues alike. The schedules found below represent the two schedules that are the most prevalent and take the reader through God’s law in 1 and 3 years. We have attached readings from the Apostolic Scriptures (New Testament) to accompany the readings as well. Notes on each portion can be found by clicking the “Weekly Parashah” button. These resources are provided free and we hope they are a blessing to you and your community. Historically, the weekly readings have been separated into a Torah portion and a reading from the rest of the Tanakh (Old Testament) which is referred to as the “haftarah” portion. Although modern synagogues use a one year reading cycle, evidence suggests that Jews in the first century followed a three year cycle. It is for this reason that TorahResource has provided a three year portion for those who would like to read the Torah through slower and spend more time on each section. We have also provided an accompanying Apostolic portion (a selection from the New Testmanet) to the weekly readings so that followers of Yeshua find related Scriptures to the Parsha. Along with downloadable Torah Reading Schedules, we have also produced handouts for each Torah portion that can be utilized by individuals and communities alike. We are continuing to build out our library on the Torah portions so that we can offer audio and video teachings that accompany each portion. Want to know more about the 1 and 3 year torah reading cycles in the first century? Read our article titled, “The Public Reading of the Scriptures in the 1st Century Synagogue.”

One of the most significant resources offered on TorahResource is Tim Hegg’s biblical commentary. These commentaries approach the Scriptures from the perspective that the Torah is not done away with and is still relevant for the people of God today. What’s more, Hegg has the wonderful ability to write from a scholarly perspective and bring large topics and theological concepts into an easy to understand format for the average believer.

Tim Hegg’s Messianic commentaries have shown how Yeshua (Jesus) and Paul were not speaking against keeping the Torah, but instead uphold and support God’s law for followers of our Lord. With commentaries on Romans, Galatians, Hebrews, and many more, Hegg tackles some of the more difficult passages that are commonly used to suggest the Torah has been done away with.

Hegg’s deep understanding of the historical backdrop of the first century, along with love and knowledge of the biblical languages make these biblical commentaries accessible for both scholars and average believer alike.

Hegg’s approach is to walk through each book verse by verse and approach the text from a historically accurate understanding of Jewish belief, and a grammatical understanding of both the Hebrew and Greek of the Scriptures. Such an approach helps build a wonderful resource that can be utilized for bible study, or simply as a book to read through.

Tim has also taught through his Commentaries and recorded audio lectures creating a huge library for those who like to listen on the go. These commentaries and audio lectures have become widely utilized by Messianic teachers around the world.

Torah Resource Online Library

The Torah Resource online library is a huge section of our website that offers most of our digital catalog including audio, video, and written materials. This library includes biblical commentaries, lectures from the staff of Torah Resource along with some other guest speakers, interviews with leading scholars, children’s stories, and much more.

This library goes beyond focusing on the Torah and allows members to dive into a large amount of topics including courses on Theology Proper, How We Go Our Bible, teachings on the nature of God including a series on the Holy Spirit, and many other resources that should elevate your Bible study and help you navigate the biblical text.

Much of our work focuses on the Apostolic Scriptures (New Testament) and how these Scriptures align with the Tanakh and do not contradict or do away with any part of God’s word. It is our belief that all of God’s word is alive and well and applicable for both Jews and Gentiles today.

Our library is a massive resource for individuals and Messianic communities. We continue to ad content to this library often and hope to expand it even further in the coming years.

Torah Resource Online Articles

Our articles cover a wide range of biblical topics that have faced our movement. Many of our articles focus on apologetics for One Torah theology, like our article on Acts 15 and the Jerusalem Council which helps readers better understand this text from a pro Torah perspective.

Other articles focus on topics that face all believers like our article on the Chronology of the Crucifixion that looks at the four Gospels account of the Passion narrative, and our article on My Big Fat Greek Mindset that looks at how philosophy has shaped the western worldview.

Our articles are totally free and like our handouts on the weekly Torah portions, we hope they are a blessing to everyone who utilizes them.

The biblical festivals are often referred to as the Jewish Holidays, but these wonderful feasts are not simply for Jews but for every believer, as they tell the story of our Lord’s coming, death, resurrection, ascension, and eventual return.

For those who are new to Torah or are looking to celebrate the biblical festivals for the first time, this section explores the theological significance of each holiday. You can also find blessing booklets and resources for all of the biblical festivals along with resources for Hanukkah and Purim on our Community Resources page.

Understanding Galatians

Throughout Church history, the Epistle to the Galatians has been used as one of the main examples of why Christians should not be keeping Torah today. It is for this reason that we believe Galatians is one of the most misunderstood books in the Scriptures.

In his commentary on the book of Galatians, Tim Hegg shows how Paul was not speaking against the law, but was instead, attacking a belief in bloodline salvation and superiority, a theology that still exists today.

This wonderful resource is a must-have for anyone who is diving this biblical book. Written for both believers in all walks of life, this book is able to speak to both scholars and the average believer.

Messianic Prophecy

Many Jews today are still waiting for the Messiah to come. Yet, those of us who believe in our Lord Yeshua (Jesus) believe He is this promised figure. Why have so many believed Yeshua is the promised Messianic figure?

In our book, Messiah in the Tanach, we explore the numerous prophecies that have promised were fulfilled by our Master Yeshua. This book begins with the first prophecy of the seed of the woman dealing with the sin problem and maps 20 prophecies found within the Tanach.

Get a better understanding of the Scriptures promise of our Master in this wonderful resource. Buy it Today.

Torah Resource is proud to produce Messiah Matters, a weekly show that explores various theological perspectives from both a Christian and Messianic perspective. Rob Vanhoff and Caleb Hegg discuss various theological issues that face the body of Messiah today.

At the core of every discussion is a focus on the covenants of God and how the work of Yeshua has given us all access, both Jew and Gentile alike, into the covenant people of God.

Using the Torah as the foundation for the rest of Scripture, Rob and Caleb discuss a wide range of topics while interacting with a live chatroom.

Rob Vanhoff is a teacher at Torah Resource and teaches Greek, Hebrew, and various clases on rabbinical literature and first century Judaisms. He holds a degree in Comparative Religions and a degree in Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations from the University of Washington.

Caleb Hegg grew up in the Messianic movement. He is an author and speaker. He received a two year certificate from Torah Resource Institute and is currently enrolled at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.

Messianic Community Resources

Beyond our free Torah study resources, Torah Resource provides materials for Messianic communities. These resources can be found on our Community Resource page where you will be able to find various community resources.

Hebrew Calendar - Biblical Calendar

Find a printable calendar that displays the monthly Gregorian months and days along with the Hebrew month and day. Sabbath times along with holiday Sabbaths are all listed along with major holidays and Hanukkah and Purim.

Resources for Holidays

Whether you’re looking for resources on counting the omer, a Passover Haggadah, Day of Trumpets (Rosh HaShannah) blessings and services, Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) blessings and services, Hanukkah or Purim resources, we have just what you’re looking for.

Rosh Chodesh (New Month)

Download a PDF booklet and print out copies of our Rosh Chodesh blessing booklet so your entire congregation can follow along. This resource not gives traditional blessings for the new month but also helps teach congregants about the months of the calendar and the festival cycles.

What is the Torah?

The word “Torah” simply means instruction, and is used this way with Scripture. (“…and forsake not your mother’s teaching [i.e. Torah],” Prov. 1:8) however, this word has come to mean several different things depending on how it is used. Most of the time it is a reference to the Pentateuch (five books of Moses), Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy.

Some use the term Torah to refer to all the commands found within the first five books of the Bible. While many Christians today use this term to refer to the commandments they believe were fulfilled when Yeshua died on the cross.

For instance, most Christians will agree that it is wrong to steal, murder, slander, or lie. These are all part of God’s Torah and the Sinai covenant. Yet, aspects of the law like the Sabbath and dietary laws are things that most of the mainstream Church believe have been fulfilled.

At Torah Resource, we believe God’s entire Torah is a reflection of who He is and His holiness. We believe that sanctification comes by conforming to God and His law. Read more about our view on God’s Torah below in our “Torah Observance and the Gospel” section.

Paul and the Torah

Throughout Christian history, Paul’s letters have been used to suggest portion of the law have been fulfilled and are no longer applicable for believers. Yet, this understanding raises significant problems when looking at the Bible as a whole.

Tim Hegg’s groundbreaking book, The Letter Writer, frames Paul in his first century Jewish context and shine light on Paul’s writing from a Jewish perspective. This book has become a staple for Messianic believers and remains the standard when discussing Paul’s view of Torah for believers.

In this book, Hegg argues that Paul did not believe the Torah done away with or that it was seen as a burden for Gentiles coming to faith, but instead shows that Paul loved God’s law and His people, and believed the Torah was the standard for righteousness for everyone who came into covenant relationship with God.

The Family of God

The place of Torah in the life of a believer is becoming a popular topic of discussion among believers. In our book Fellow Heirs, we map the Torah’s view of Gentiles as member’s of God’s people, and show that the model has always been a mixed multitude that inherits God’s promises and His law.

This book shows that God’s people are all one in our Master Yeshua, and that Gentiles are not second-class citizens. The Torah is a birthright for all believers and is not simply given to a bloodline people. Rather, we are all Abraham’s children through faith in our Lord and Savior. Buy Fellow Heirs today.

Torah Resource has some great resources to help believers observe the weekly Sabbath. Beyond the weekly Torah portion schedule and downloadable handouts, we offer a Shabbat Siddur (Sabbath prayerbook) that offers Hebrew, English and transliteration so that everyone can follow along.

For those who are looking for a Erev Shabbat siddur, we have a booklet that is small and easy to follow and covers the Sabbath Eve service along with the blessing after the meal. We also offer a full Shabbat siddur for those who are looking for synagogue service and traditional blessings.

Our Shabbat Siddur has become widely used by Messianic congregations around the world and is like for its layout and ease of use. Beyond the traditional Jewish prayers, blessings from the Apostolic Scriptures have been added to center our minds on Yeshua our King.

For those who are just starting to observe the weekly Sabbath and don’t know where to start, we have put together a beginner’s guide with video, audio, and written materials to explain the various traditions that have been observed for hundreds of years.

Throughout history, the place of the Torah in the life of believers has been a matter of debate. If Yeshua’s work on the cross has put us under grace, doesn’t that mean we are no longer bound to keep the Torah?

Many within the Messianic movement contend that the law is nothing more than an identity marker for ethnic Jews, yet many Gentiles are coming to love and observe the commands of God. (Read our article: Is The Torah Only for Jews?)

We take the position that a person is saved by faith through grace alone and that no work can help gain God’s favor. God brings His people into personal relationship with Him as an act of love that is not dependent on us or our works.

Once we are saved and come into this relationship with God we begin the work of sanctification. This process is a dual work of the believer and the Holy Spirit. We believe that a person is sanctified, both Jew and Gentile, through conforming to God’s law.

The Torah is part of God’s covenant, both Sinai and the New, and reflects God’s holiness. As we come closer to God and try to live more like our Lord and Savior Yeshua, we conform to God’s holiness which is reflected in His law. This gives each believer identity through our Messiah Yeshua as attach ourselves to the people of God and become “heirs according to promise” (Gal. 3:22)

About Torah Resource

Torah Resource began in 2002 by our president Tim Hegg, but his story starts long before that. Tim was raised in a believing home and was the son of a baptist pastor. Tim decided to go to seminary and wrote his Masters thesis on the Abrahamic Covenant (Portions of his thesis became the basis for the article titled “Covenant of Grant and the Abrahamic Covenant.”) which the Lord used to give him a significant handle on the covenants of the Bible.

During the late 80’s Tim’s grandfather told him that the family was Jewish which led Tim to search the families genealogy and realize he was in fact Jewish on his mothers side. As Tim explored his family history he decided to attend a Messianic synagogue in town. It was this experience that started Tim down the path of seeing the Bible from a more Jewish perspective.

Tim began to study first century Judaisms and the historical backdrop of the Apostolic Scriptures. By the early 90’s Tim had started writing articles and doing bible studies from a Messianic and Torah perspective.

In 2002 Tim’s work was starting to be requested on a larger scale. He decided he would start a small website as a place where people could read the work he was doing. By 2006 Tim’s work had become so requested that he brought on his second oldest son Caleb to help manage the website. In 2011 Torah Resource expanded to bring on more teachers and start the online school.

Over 20 years after Tim started Torah Resource, we have become one of the leading voices in One Law theology and unashamedly the entire Bible applies to all of God’s people, no matter their family heritage, today.

Although we are a major resource for the weekly Torah portions, it is our goal to produce biblical materials that build up the people of God and His Kingdom.