601AC – Theological Research and Writing – Online Class

Pay in Full$130.00
Payment Plan  $45.00 / month for 3 months

This is a 10 week course.

General Description: This class will provide the student with the guidance for researching a topic of choice and building a sound argument from which others will benefit, including a survey of available computer software for biblical studies. Proper styles and acceptable guidelines for writing academic papers will be covered. The class will also prepare students enrolled in the Advanced Biblical & Religious Studies Certificate Program for writing their required Thesis.

Instructor: Rob Vanhoff


Turabian, A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations, 8th Edition.

Note: additional readings may be supplied by the instructor.

Instructor: Rob Vanhoff, MA

Course Options: This class can be taken as a standalone class or can be taken as part of a certificate program.

Standalone: See description above

Program Path: This class is required for the three-year certificate program, and counts as 1 quarter-hour.

Course Requirements: This class requires the ability to proficiently read the English language, connect with the teacher via Skype or online meeting, and basic knowledge of a computer with an internet connection.

Workload: The average workload each week is around 1 hour. This includes reading time, assignments, and interaction with your teacher.