
Cras dapibus egestas efficitur. Curabitur consectetur, ante eget aliquet fringilla, nisi nisi luctus dolor, ac commodo tortor quam nec nulla. Ut id mollis lectus. Nunc non sagittis dolor. Sed ut turpis vel leo lobortis blandit sed eu lacus. Sed volutpat lorem elit, ac efficitur sapien tincidunt non. Pellentesque lacus eros, suscipit ac mi in, tincidunt […]


Sed ultricies libero velit, quis vestibulum elit mattis ornare. Nullam pretium nec ligula nec congue. Donec eu libero at est gravida vulputate eget eget mauris. Vivamus placerat dolor leo. Sed enim dui, ornare quis eros vitae, finibus viverra est. Aenean rhoncus et mi eget mattis. Nulla consequat sem non ex aliquam tincidunt. Sed congue tortor […]

Show #212 – Didascalia Apostolorum

This week we look at an early text (Didascalia Apostolorum) that suggests Yeshua’s Last Supper was on a Tuesday and that His crucifixion was on Friday. Also, we respond to a comment that was left on our Facebook page that takes issue with our last show and the thoughts put forward on 1Cor. 11. Also, […]

Show #211 – Guests & Wine

A look at 1Cor. 11 and unbelievers at the Passover table. Also a look at the word “Pascha” (Passover), and finally a discussion about the ceremonial cups at the Last Supper.

Show #210 – Where Does Our Seder Come From?

With Passover approaching, we look at some of the traditions in the traditional Passover Seder and discuss their origins. Do they date back to the time of Yeshua, or are there different explanations on how these traditions were formed?

Show #209 – ‘You Are Gods’

A look at Yeshua’s quotation of Psalm 82. What does John 10:34 really mean? Also, a look at the significance of bread and wine at the Last Supper. Does Yeshua’s emphasis on bread and wine signal a new ritual act?

Show #208 – Aphikomenos

A look at the parting of ways between Christianity and Judaism concerning Passover, Easter, and Communion. Do the Gospels portray Yeshua following the traditional Passover Haggadah as found within the Mishnah? And if so, shouldn’t Christians celebrate it that way too?

Show #207 – Is Yeshua God?

We look at lots of questions that have been sent in, concerning our last show. We will discuss the idea of the “Trinity” in the Tanach, Passages that say God is not a man, and look at why Jesus prays to the Father if Jesus is Himself God.

Show #206 – Messianic Consciousness

We continue our discussion of the First Century Messianic expectation. This week we shift to looking at Yeshua Himself and what He said. Why did Yeshua tell so many to keep silent about who He was? Why does Yeshua seem to vail who He really his?