Hanukkah: In the Home of the Redeemed

Book: Softcover, 5.5″x8.5″, 106 pages$12.00

Ariel Berkowitz tells the true story behind Hanukkah with a guide to celebrating this wonderful Jewish festival.

The message of Hanukkah reminds us to use the weapon which combats assimilation—the Word of God. This is an eternal weapon that in every generation stands up against the godlessness, lawlessness and corruption of man. This is the Torah of our God, lived through the lives of His redeemed.

In this booklet, you will find:
• The history and background of Hanukkah
• The focus on the dangers of assimilation
• A unique eight day Hanukkah devotional and study guide
• An assortment of Hanukkah treats, songs and games for the whole house