How We Got Our Bible

How We Got Our Bible – Lecture Series

Audio: 11 MP3’s on CD$25.00
Direct Download Audio$22.00

In this series, Tim Hegg brings an in-depth understanding of the history and background of our Bible. The content of each chapter will illuminate and inform you about various aspects of the struggles and victories throughout history that have brought the Word of God to us today, resulting in a better ability to defend the Word of God, and in addition, giving a better understanding of the history involved.

Hegg looks at the formation of the biblical canon starting with the Tanach (Old Testament), and its transmission throughout the years. Then he moves to the Apostolic Scriptures (New Testament) to understand how these books came to be part of the biblical canon. Also, a look at various textual variants and how we bible interpretation attempts to get back to the original author’s script.

Learn about the printing press and the translation of the Bible into the English language. This wonderful topic is one that every believer should be familiar with, and Tim’s series is a fantastic resource to better understand the formation of the Bible.

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