Matthew Commentary Volume 4

Book: Softcover 8.5×11 (PDF Also Available Upon Purchase)$28.60
Audio: MP3’s on CD$26.00
Digital Download Video & Audio$25.98

Volume 4 covers Matthew chapters 19-23. This extensive commentary looks at this book from a different perspective. Tim Hegg approaches the text from the understanding that Yeshua did not do away with the Torah, but upheld and preached the Torah. Tim separates from the traditional Christian view of the Torah, bringing Yeshua back into a first-century Jewish context.

Purchase Individual Audio Sessions

Description Price Buy
Matthew 19:1-4 $2.00

Matthew 19:5-7 $2.00

Matthew 19:8-9 $2.00

Matthew 19:9 $2.00

Matthew 19:10-12 $2.00

Matthew 19:13-17 $2.00

Matthew 19:17-19 $2.00

Matthew 19:20-22 $2.00

Matthew 19:23-26 $2.00

Matthew 19:27-30 $2.00

Matthew 20:1-16 $2.00

Matthew 20:17-23 $2.00

Matthew 20:24-28 $2.00

Matthew 20:29-21:2 $2.00

Matthew 21:3-7 $2.00

Matthew 21:7-9 $2.00

Matthew 21:10-13 $2.00

Matthew 21:14-17 $2.00

Matthew 21:18-22 $2.00

Matthew 21:23-32 $2.00

Matthew 21:32-41 $2.00

Matthew 21:42-44 $2.00

Matthew 21:44-22:2 $2.00

Matthew 22:3-10 $2.00

Matthew 22:11-14 $2.00

Election Part 1 $2.00

Election Part 2 $2.00

Matthew 22:15-22 $2.00

Matthew 22:23-33 $2.00

Matthew 22:34-40 $2.00

Matthew 22:41-46 $2.00

Matthew 23:1-3 $2.00

Matthew 23:4-5 $2.00

Matthew 23:5 $2.00

Matthew 23:6-7 $2.00

Matthew 23:8-10 $2.00

Matthew 23:11-15 $2.00

Matthew 23:16-23 $2.00

Matthew 23:23-24 $2.00

Matthew 23:25-28 $2.00

Matthew 23:29-33 $2.00

Matthew 23:34-36 $2.00

Matthew 23:37-39 $2.00