W. Morgan (Courtenay, BC)

Product Review: Foundations for Building Torah Communities
Very informative, I do like how certain beliefs are addressed and confronted. I appreciate TR’s clarity and effort to confront in a loving manner while it backed up Truth from historically proven documentations. I especially like that I can download these teachings and listen to them over and over…Thank you for presenting this tool. The “Church” has let us down but God’s Word won’t. We need these truths about God’s Ekklesia. I appreciate Tim’s humble invitation to check things out (like the Bereans). I learned a long time ago that I was wrong about many viewpoints (which weren’t Biblical). People can be unaware that two views can be true at the same time (like the view of the coming of the Messiah as the conquering King but not an infant). There are various understandings but they aren’t in error. Just the application is different. Tim has helped us to see God’s perspective and His plan revealed in scripture. He has given us sensible answers for true understanding. I am very grateful. I would like the slides used in the fourth DVD to be presented in a hard copy format. I am not very tech-savvy and I am not sure about how to print these slides for my personal study as notes. I look forward to gleaning from Tim’s hard work.
★ ★ ★ ★