503CI – Critical Issues for Torah Communities

Pay in Full$310.00
Pay in Installments$105.00 / month for 3 months

General Description: In this 10-week course, instructors Tim Hegg and Rob Vanhoff team up to examine 5 important issues within today’s Torah Communities. These issues are known to be the cause for much confusion, distraction, and ultimately division. Whether you are a leader or layperson, this course will give you a clear understanding of these issues from the perspectives of the Bible.

Students who successfully complete this course will have the tools necessary in discussing these controversial topics with thought-out, knowledgeable, and Bible-based perspectives on each subject. This course can also assist in creating a halacha for Messianic Communities.

Issues covered: 1) Community vs. Congregation, 2) Which Calendar Should We Follow?, 3) Rabbinic Tradition & the Messianic Community, 4) Assessing the Two-House Movement, 5) Jews & Gentiles in the body of Messiah: The Case for One Torah

Textbooks: Handouts from Instructors will incorporate excerpts from various authors on the subjects being studied.

Instructor: Tim Hegg, M.Div., Th.M.; Rob Vanhoff, MA

Course Options: This class can be taken as a standalone class or can be taken as part of a certificate program.

Standalone: This class is perfect for those who would like to get a better grasp of some current issues that face the Torah movement. This course takes a deeper look at some of the theological challenges that have faced this movement. Perfect for leaders who want the tools to challenge certain views, or for individuals who would like to be better equipped when faced with these issues.

Program Path: Those who are looking for a more structured workload will find this course is required for all certificate programs. This class does not have to be taken in a specific order to qualify for certificate credit, although we recommend taking it in the first year. This class counts for 3 quarter hours within the certificate program.

Course Requirements: This class requires the ability to proficiently read the English language, listen to audio lectures, and basic knowledge of a computer with an internet connection.

Workload: The average workload each week is around three hours. This includes an hour-long lecture, assigned reading, as well as interaction in the class forum. A final exam is also required at the end of the class to complete the course.