501BibSt – How We Got Our Bible – Online Class

Pay in Full$375.00
Pay in Installments$125.00 / month for 3 months

This is a 10 week course.

General Description: An exploration into the canonization of the Bible from ancient times to our modern Bibles.

Textbooks: Tim Hegg, How We Got Our Bible  (TorahResource, 2004) Provided in PDF format by the instructor; Paul D. Wegner, The Journey from Texts to Translations (Baker, 1999); collateral readings provided by the Instructor.

Instructor: Tim Hegg, M.Div., Th.M.

Course Options: This class can be taken as a standalone class or can be taken as part of a certificate program.

Standalone: This class provides an in-depth understanding of the history and background of our Bible. The content of each class will illuminate and inform you about various aspects of the struggles and victories throughout history that have brought the Word of God to us today, resulting in a better ability to defend the Word of God, and in addition, giving a better understanding of the history involved.

Program Path: This class is required for the 1, 2, and 3-year program and counts as 3 quarter hours.

Course Requirements: This class requires the ability to proficiently read the English language, listen to audio lectures, and basic knowledge of a computer with an internet connection.

Workload: The average workload each week is around three hours. This includes an hour-long lecture, assigned reading, as well as interaction in the class forum. A final exam is also required at the end of the class to complete the course.