Biblical Lessons for the Family

Biblical Lessons for the Family

Book: Softcover 6×9$24.99
Direct Download PDF$19.99
Bundle: Book & PDF$34.99


Biblical Lessons for the Family is a compilation of over 100 teachings for children and families. These teachings were previously provided as downloads on the TorahResource website under the title Family Lessons and were initially created for the members of Beit Hallel Messianic Synagogue in Tacoma, Washington. At Beit Hallel, during Shabbat Service, these teachings were handed out so families could follow along as the paper was read and elaborated on by one of the leaders. Now, you can have access to these short, but informative, studies that cover topics like the Feast Days, prayer, tradition, the teachings of Yeshua, and more.

The lessons found in this volume were created with the entire family in mind and written in a way that both parents and children can learn together. As disciples of Yeshua, we are commanded to, in turn, make disciples for Him. As parents, our first disciples should be our own children. Whether you have been walking in Torah for many years or you are new to the Messianic perspective, these lessons are sure to spark dialogue in your family study time.