What Really Happened in Egypt?

A Look at the Ten Plagues

By Caleb Hegg


In Exodus 4 we see reference to Israel as God’s Firstborn Son (4:22). And in verse 23 God tells of His plan to kill Pharaohs firstborn son. In verse 24-26 the story turns and for two verses relates a story that seems out of place, but in actuality shows the promise of the coming seed, the Messiah, is a central part of the Exodus narrative. Moses is not allowed to act as God’s mouthpiece with a son that does not bear the mark of circumcision, i.e. the sign of Messiah.

The events found in Exodus 4:24-25 link circumcision, and ultimately the covenant, to the Exodus event. Now in chapter 6 God explicitly states that He has remembered His covenant, and this is the reason the Exodus events are put into motion.


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Caleb Hegg

C.M. Hegg

Staff Writer

Caleb holds a two year certificate from TR-Institute and has taken classes at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He has published commentaries on the book of Acts and Colossians and has been the co-host of Messiah Matters since its inception in 2012.