Community Resources

Free resources for community, family, or individual use.

The documents provided below are free for individual, family, or community use, however, they are not to be altered or sold.

2024 Wall Calendar

2024 Calendar (5784-5785)

PDF (104.3 KB) | 17 Pages | English with English Transliteration
A 13 month calendar with dates for all major and minor holidays, Rosh Chodeshim, special Shabbatot, modern holidays, and days of the Omer.

Blessings for the New Month

Blessing for the New Month

PDF (1.4 MB) | 4 Pages | Hebrew and English with English Transliteration
Traditional blessings said at the outset of Rosh Chodesh, the start (or head) of new Biblical months. These pages are taken from Siddur Tehillot HaMashiach.

Traditional Passover Haggadah

Passover Haggadah (Traditional)

PDF (3 MB) | 40 Pages. | Hebrew and English with English Transliteration
This traditional Passover Haggadah was compiled, designed, and illustrated by TorahResource supporters. It is shared, here, by their permission.

Passover Haggadah For Disciples of Yeshua

PDF (394 kb) | 28 Pages. | English
This Passover Haggadah was compiled, and designed by TorahResource. It is Yeshua centered and has elements of the traditional seder but is geared much more for people who are wanting a Yeshua centered meal that is focused on the true passover lamb.

Counting the Omer Blessing Booklet

Counting the Omer Blessing

PDF (248 KB) | 4 Pages | Hebrew and English with English Transliteration
Traditional blessings said at the start of each day during the Counting of the Omer. See Leviticus 23:9-16

Counting our Way to Shavuot Booklet

Counting Our Way to Shavuot

PDF (137 KB) | 11 Pages. | English
Suggested Scripture verses to meditate on during each day of Counting the Omer. For more information about Counting the Omer and the Festival of Shavuot, click here.

Shofar Service Booklet

Yom Teruah, Shofar Service

PDF (445 KB) | 24 Pages | Hebrew and English with English Transliteration
Traditional blessings for the Shofar Service with some adaptations to help Disciples of Yeshua make Him the focus of worship.

Tashlich Booklet

Yom Teruah, Tashlich Service

PDF (150 KB) | 4 Pages | Hebrew and English with English Transliteration
Traditional Scripture readings for Tashlich (cast away) Service with the addition of Colossians 2:8-14 to help Disciples of Yeshua make Him the focus of worship.

Kol Nidrei Service Booklet

Yom Kippur, Kol Nidrei Service

PDF (139 KB) | 32 Pages Hebrew and English with English Transliteration
A Traditional Kol Nidrei (all vows) Liturgy used during the evening service of Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement).

Blessings for Sukkot Booklet

Sukkot Blessings

PDF (121 KB) | 4 Pages | Hebrew and English with English Transliteration
Blessings and suggested Scriptures for the Festival of Sukkot (booths).

Qohelet Booklet

Qohelet & the Time of Our Rejoicing

PDF (206 KB) | 20 Pages English
The wisdom of the Sages is displayed yet again in the tradition of reading Qohelet (Ecclesiastes) during the Festival of Sukkot (booths). But it is not readily apparent why Qohelet was chosen for a festival that has rejoicing as its main theme! Many who read Qohelet are left with the impression that the words of Shlomo (Solomon) are depressing rather than uplifting, and do not fit the theme of joy. Yet a closer reading of the book reveals just the opposite. In fact, the theme of the book is joy, but the surprise is where this joy is actually found.

Blessings for Hanukkah Booklet

Hanukkah Blessings

PDF (939 KB) | 16 Pages | Hebrew and English with English Transliteration
Traditional blessings for Hanukkah as well as suggested Scripture readings for each night.