Studies in the Torah

Five Volume Set 6×9 Softcover$99.99
Genesis: Softcover 6×9 Original price was: $41.99.Current price is: $24.99.
Exodus: Softcover 6×9 Original price was: $30.99.Current price is: $24.99.
Leviticus: Softcover 6×9$24.99
Numbers: Softcover 6×9$24.99
Deuteronomy: Softcover 6×9$24.99

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Full Set in PDF$60.00
Genesis PDF$14.99
Exodus PDF$14.99
Leviticus PDF$14.99
Numbers PDF$14.99
Deuteronomy PDF$14.99


This five-volume set works through the entire Torah separating the sections into the 1 and 3 year cycles of Torah readings within the synagogue. Because of this layout, these books are easy to use no matter which cycle you may be using. Especially relevant is the focus of the Messiah Yeshua. As a result this focus shows Yeshua throughout the pages of the Torah.

The Torah is the first written word of God to man. It is the foundation of our faith and the bedrock of the Bible. This five-volume set works through the entire Torah separating the sections into the 1 and 3 year cycles of Torah readings within the synagogue. Because of this layout, these books are easy to use no matter which cycle you may be using. Especially relevant is the focus of the Messiah Yeshua. As a result this focus shows Yeshua throughout the pages of the Torah.