Biblical Worldview

Having a Biblical Worldview

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In this series, Tim Hegg begins by looking at what it means to have a biblical world view. He considers the change that takes place within a believer, giving the ability to conform to what the Lord says in the Bible as opposed to our own desires and goals. Tim then discusses apologetics, the ability to defend our faith. This includes our basic starting points as believers. In the next sessions, he looks at how we approach the Scriptures and how we interpret them. Tim suggests that the way we interpret the Scripture is vital to our own relationship to God and our walk in faith, as well as our ability to evangelize others with the truth of the Gospel. Finally, he offers a brief look at some forms of interpretation that have missed the mark, like Covenant Theology and Dispensationalism. Taking the historical-grammatical interpretive method already discussed, Tim highlights some of the weaknesses in these theological systems.