New Covenant: God’s Promise Fulfilled

Direct Download Video Original price was: $20.00.Current price is: $14.00.
Direct Download Audio Original price was: $12.00.Current price is: $8.50.

In this blockbuster series, Tim Hegg challenges some of the common views of the New Covenant. Tim suggests that the New Covenant is not time-bound and that every one of God’s elect throughout time, has been part of the New Covenant. Looking at various passages of Scripture from both the Old and New Testament, Tim presents a solid case for the idea that being part of the New Covenant means being brought into covenant relationship with Yeshua through faith. This was done before our Lord came by faith in the coming Messiah that would deal with sin, and is now done through faith in the Lord who has come and died for our sins.

Tim also discusses the indwelling of the Holy Spirit as a signature mark of New Covenant inclusion and what this means for our faith and the biblical timeline.

Four lectures in video or audio format.